USCSS Nostromo, Alien Dans le premier 'Alien', le vaisseau dans lequel est embarquée Sigourney Weaver a pour nom de code 'USCSS Nostromo'. N'ayant vu qu'un seul film de la franchise, j'ai pensé à un simple clin d'oeil à Joseph Conrad. Jusqu'à ce que je tombe sur l'article suivant : ' There is something of an ongoing tradition in the Alien franchise whereby spacecraft in the films and video games are often named after characters or elements taken from Conrad novels and short stories. The tradition was started by Alien director Ridley Scott (whose first major film, The Duellists, was an adaptation of Conrad's short story The Duel) when he named the ship in Alien the Nostromo as a reference to Conrad's novel of the same name. References in the Franchise The following ships in the Alien franchise have names that refer to the works of Joseph Conrad: Alien — USCSS Nostromo, n...
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